Updates and Edits for MCAT® UBooks
Stay up to date on any content changes
that happen after our MCAT UBooks are published.
that happen after our MCAT UBooks are published.

UWorld’s MCAT UBooks deliver the most current information available when published. But exam content and details can change. Our researchers and subject matter experts will post any subject-specific and exam-related updates here to keep your prep aligned with the current AAMC syllabus and the latest scientific research. We will also include corrections and clarifications needed for our Behavioral Science, Biochemistry, Biology, CARS, General Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, and Physics UBooks.
General Chemistry
Organic Chemistry
Behavioral Sciences
Updates: 2024 UWorld MCAT Biology UBook
Biology book content updates and corrections from August 2024 – PresentLesson Number | Page Number(s) | Update Type | Print Book | Digital Book (UBook) |
1.2 | 10 | Book Text | Concept 1.2.03: The second sentence contains information not applicable given our figures | The sentence was removed; the sentence prior was merged to the following paragraph |
1.2 | 12 | Book Text | Second paragraph: Contains misleading information regarding condensation reactions | Revised to remove information regarding exergonic processes |
2.4 | 59 | In-line Image | Figure 2.31: Two floating labels exist | Figure images that match labels have been added |
2.4 | 64 | Book Text | First paragraph: “Proteasomes” is mistakenly spelled as “Proteosomes“ | The word “Proteasomes” has been spelled correctly |
N/A | 69 | Table of Contents | Concept 3.1.04 is incorrectly named, and Concept 3.1.05 is missing | Revised to show correct concepts and corresponding names |
4.1 | 91 | In-line Image | Figure 4.2: Period follows “ssDNA” next to the bottom left arrow | Period removed |
4.1 | 104 | In-line Image | Figure 4.14: double-stranded cDNA in final panel mistakenly contains the base “U“ | The base “U” has been replaced with the base “T“ |
4.3 | 124 | Concept Check | Concept Check 4.3: Contains bullet points for answer choices | Revised bullet points to letters in answer choices so they align with the solution |
4.4 | 133 | Book Text | In the third line from the bottom: “plants” is mistakenly spelled as “plans“ | The word “plants” has been spelled correctly |
4.4 | 133 | Book Text | Last sentence: “death” is mistakenly spelled as “deal“ | The word “death” has been spelled correctly |
4.4 | 135 | In-line Image | Figure 4.40: The y-axis is mistakenly labeled “Hundreds of millions“ | The Y-axis label has been revised to “Millions“ |
5.2 | 160 | In-line Image | Figure 5.18: Arrows face incorrect directions on the third carrier | Figure updated to correct arrow directions |
6.4 | 255 | In-line Image | Figure 6.42: Contains arrow pointing towards RNA being translated that should not be present | Figure updated to remove the arrow |
7.2 | 281 | In-line Image | Figure 7.12: “exhibited” is mistakenly spelled as “exhibted“ | The word “exhibited” has been spelled correctly |
7.2 | 283 | In-line Image | Figure 7.14: The word “phenotype” is partially covered by an image | The image has been moved so that the term is fully visible |
7.3 | 288 | In-line Image | Figure 7.18: “SRY” gene name lacks italics | “SRY“ has been italicized |
10.2 | 344 | Book Text | The last word on the page mistakenly names “endoderm” rather than the correct “mesoderm“ | Updated to replace “endoderm” with “mesoderm“ |
10.4 | 359 | Book Text | Second paragraph, second sentence: “The embryonic period begins with zygote formation (week two of pregnancy,…” | Updated to “The embryonic period begins with gastrulation (week three of pregnancy,…” |
10.5 | 368 | In-line Image | Figure 10.27: “Suppresses” is mistakenly spelled as “Supresses“ | The word “Suppresses” has been spelled correctly |
11.1 | 372 | Book Text | The last sentence mistakenly contains “cortisol” and “cortical“ | Updated to replace “cortisol” with “epinephrine” and “cortical” with “medullary“ |
11.1 | 372 | In-line Image | Figure 11.1: Mistakenly shows cortisol binding to cell surface receptors | Updated to replace “Cortical” with “Medullary” and “Cortisol” with “Epinephrine“ |
11.2 | 385 | In-line Image | Figure 11.13: Mistakenly contains hyphen in footnote | Updated to replace hyphen with en dash |
11.2 | 393 | In-line Image | Figure 11.19: “blood” is mistakenly spelled as “bood“ | The word “blood” has been spelled correctly |
11.2 | 396 | In-line Image | Figure 11.22: Catecholamine images do not match in the two panels | Revised to show matching catecholamines |
11.2 | 412 | In-line Image | Figure 11.38: Space missing between instances of a number followed by “AM” or “PM” | Revised to add missing spaces |
12.1 | 420 | In-line Image | Figure 12.2: “Node of Ranvier” mistakenly in bold text | Bolding removed on “Node of Ranvier“ |
12.2 | 429 | In-line Image | Figure 12.11: “gates” is incorrectly pluralized | Revised “gates” to “gate“ |
12.2 | 432 | In-line Image | Figure 12.14: Restoring phase incorrectly extends past the point at which RMP is reached | Updated end of restoring phase to occur when RMP is reached |
13.1 | 457 | In-line Image | Figure 13.6: Contains two instances each of “O2” and “CO2” without numbers subscripted | Revised chemical formulas to “O2” and “CO2“ |
13.1 | 480 | In-line Image | Table 13.2: three instances of “contractility” mistakenly spelled as “contactility“ | The word “contractility” has been spelled correctly |
14.2 | 508 | Book Text | “abnormally” is mistakenly spelled as “abnormalllly“ | The word “abnormally” has been spelled correctly |
15.2 | 525 | In-line Image | Figure 15.11: “detoxification” is mistakenly spelled as “detoxificaion“ | The word “detoxification” has been spelled correctly |
17.1 | 562 | In-line Image | Figure 17.8: “Acetyl CoA” is incorrectly missing a hyphen in the right panel | Revised to include a hyphen in “Acetyl-CoA“ |
17.1 | 565-566 | Book Text | In numbered steps, “Pi” does not contain the subscripted “i” (three instances) | Revised to correctly subscript the three instances of “Pi“ |
17.1 | 566 | Book Text | Two instances of missing superscript for “2+” prior to “Ca“ | Revised to correctly superscript the two instances of “Ca2+“ |
17.1 | 569 | Concept Check | Concept Check 17.1: “log” is incorrectly lowercase on the y-axis of the stem graph | Revised to capitalize “Log“ |
20.1 | 616 | Concept Check | Concept Check 20.1: Neutrophil image is incorrectly aligned | Revised to correctly align the neutrophil image |
N/A | 637 | Appendix | Concept Check 5.3 Solution: A portion of the answer for “Lysosomes” is missing | Text should read: “Lysosomes; carbohydrates cannot be degraded, eliminated, or recycled.” |
N/A | 639 | Appendix | Concept Check 12.2 Solution: Missing state of closed channels for three phases | Digital concept check solution revised to include closed channels |
Updates: 2024 UWorld MCAT Biochemistry UBook
Biochemistry book content updates and corrections from August 2024 – PresentLesson Number | Page Number(s) | Update Type | Print Book | Digital Book (UBook) |
1.1 | 3 | In-line Image | Figure 1.1: The first methylene group in the side chain of arginine is missing its subscript 2 | The structure of arginine has been updated to include the missing subscript |
1.2 | 17 | In-line Image | Figure 1.27: The figure caption states “The aliphatic amino acids;” however, the image omits glycine | The figure caption has been revised to state “Selected aliphatic amino acids” |
3.2 | 104 | Book Text | Figure 3.12: The figure caption states “Agonists bind to receptors but do not cause the normal biological response.” | The figure caption has been updated to state “Antagonists bind to receptors but do not cause the normal biological response.” |
4.1 | 137 | In-line Image | Figure 4.7: An arrowhead is missing on the line pointing to “Released products“ | The arrowhead has been added to the image |
4.2 | 156 | Book Test | Final paragraph, final sentence: “However, … enzymes that catalyze these reactiosn are considered isomerases rather than oxidoreductases.” | Updated to: “However, … enzymes that catalyze these reactions are considered isomerases rather than oxidoreductases.” |
4.2 | 159 | Concept Check | Concept Check 4.7: The question stem image includes wrong structures for products of a reaction by isomerases | The image has been updated to reflect correct products of catalysis by isomerases |
5.4 | 248 | In-line Table | Table 5.6: The bottom-right quadrant states “KM increased” for an uncompetitive-like mixed inhibitor |
The bottom-right quadrant has been corrected to state “KM decreased“ |
9.2 | 360 | In-line Image | Figure 9.19: The line-angle structure of cholesterol is missing one methyl group and one stereochemical designation | The line-angle structure for cholesterol has been corrected |
10.1 | 401 | In-line Table | Table 10.1: The table headers are “Molecule“/” ∆G′° (kJ/mol)“/”ATP Yield…“/”Total energy (kJ)“/”Efficiency…” | Table 10.1 has been revised for clarity, with headers of “Reaction“/” ∆G′°(kJ/mol)“/”Number of reactions per glucose molecule“/”Total energy (kJ)“/”Efficiency…” |
11.3 | 460 | In-line Image | The enzyme is stated to be “Transketolase“ | The enzyme has been corrected to “Transaldolase“ |
12.3 | 513 | In-line Image | Figure 12.32: The arrow connecting the ADP molecules to each other incorrectly moves from the matrix to the intermembrane space | The arrow now correctly moves from the intermembrane space to the matrix |
General Chemistry
Updates: 2024 UWorld MCAT General Chemistry UBook
General Chemistry book content updates and corrections from August 2024 – PresentLesson Number | Page Number(s) | Update Type | Print Book | Digital Book (UBook) |
1.6 | 53 | Book Text | First paragraph: “One atom of zirconium has a mass of 90 amu, which is a very small mass (equivalent to 1.66 × 10−24 g), whereas 6.022 × 10−23 atoms (1 mol) of zirconium have a mass of 90 g.” | Updated to: “One atom of zirconium-90 has a mass of 90 amu, which is a very small mass (equivalent to 1.49 × 10−22 g), whereas 6.022 × 1023 atoms (1 mol) of zirconium-90 have a mass of 90 g.” |
2.1 | 78 | In-line Table | Table 2.1: The formula of arsenate is incorrectly written as “AsO33−“ | The formula of arsenate has been corrected to “AsO43−“ |
2.2 | 93 | Book Text | First paragraph, second sentence: “As such, sp and sp2 hybridization result in an atom with one or two unhybridized p orbitals, respectively.” | Updated to: “As such, sp and sp2 hybridization result in an atom with two unhybridized p orbitals or one unhybridized p orbital, respectively.” |
N/A | 138 | Table of Contents | Concept 6.1.02 is incorrectly spelled “Guy-Lussac’s Law“ |
Concept 6.1.02 should be spelled as “Gay-Lussac’s Law“ |
5.4 | 244 | Book Text | First paragraph, second sentence: “Under constant-temperature conditions, this disturbance changes the value of Q (ie, Q no longer equals Keq).” | Updated to: “This disturbance changes the value of Q (ie, Q no longer equals Keq under constant-temperature conditions).” |
5.4 | 244 | Book Text | Third paragraph, final sentence: “Therefore, removing products or adding reactants shifts the equilibrium position toward reactants, as summarized in Figure 5.12.” | Updated to: “Therefore, adding products or removing reactants shifts the equilibrium position toward reactants, as summarized in Figure 5.12.” |
6.1 | 253 | Book Text | Concept 6.1.02 is incorrectly spelled “Guy-Lussac’s Law“ |
Concept 6.1.02 is correctly spelled as “Gay-Lussac’s Law“ |
7.1 | 277 | In-line Image | Figure 7.1: The label in the bottom right states the solution is “heterogeneous“ | The label has been updated to state that the solution is “homogeneous” |
7.1 | 283 | Book Text |
The equation for osmolarity was mistakenly displayed as
Osmolarity = iM =
The equation is correctly shown to be
Osmolarity = iM =
7.2 | 288 | In-line Image | Figure 7.6: The middle and right panels incorrectly use the less than (“<“) symbol when relating the ion concentration to K | The symbols have been updated to be equal (“=“) for equilibrium and greater than (“>“) for precipitation |
7.2 | 296 | Book Text | The formula showing the equilibrium constant for a gas dissolving into water is incorrectly described
kH = PX(g)/CX(aq)
The equation has been corrected to
kH =
8.2 | 305 | In-line Image | Figure 8.10: The exponent for the bottom number on the y-axis scale is missing, leaving “10−“ | The exponent has been added, so that the bottom number now reads “10−14“ |
8.3 | 311 | In-line Image | Figure 8.16: A Ka of 100 is mistakenly shown to correspond to a pKa value of “1“ | The Ka of 100 now correctly corresponds to a pKa value of “0“ |
8.3 | 314 | Book Text | The figure reference in the third paragraph points to “Figure 8.18,” and the figure reference in the bottom paragraph points to “Figure 8.19“ | The figure reference in the third paragraph now points to “Figure 8.19,”and the figure reference in the bottom paragraph now points to “Figure 8.20“ |
8.3 | 314 | In-line Image | Figure 8.19: A Kb of 100 is mistakenly shown to correspond to a pKb value of “1“ | The Kb of 100 now correctly corresponds to a pKb value of “0“ |
8.3 | 315 | In-line Image | Figure 8.20: Top panel, a proton is attached to A– | The proton has been removed from A– |
8.3 | 315 | Book Text | The figure reference in the second paragraph points to “Figure 8.20” | The figure reference in the second paragraph now points to “Figure 8.21” |
9.3 | 362 | Book Text | The text implies that the anode is negatively charged and the cathode is positively charged for every electrochemical cell | The text has been revised to clarify that the anode is negative (and the cathode is positive) only for cells with spontaneous redox reactions (ie, galvanic cells) |
9.3 | 363 | In-line Image | Figure 9.8: The electrolytic cell shows a negative charge for the anode and a positive charge for the cathode | The charges of the electrodes for the electrolytic cell have been corrected (anode is positive, cathode is negative) |
9.3 | 364 | In-line Image | Figure 9.9: The oxidation half-reaction shows Cr(s) incorrectly oxidizing to “Cu3+(aq)“ | Cr(s) now correctly oxidizes to “Cr3+(aq)” |
9.3 | 365 | In-line Table | Table 9.1: The final row shows the reduction of “Mg2+” to “Mg” with a standard reduction potential of −1.18 V | The final row has been updated to reflect the reduction of “Mn2+” to “Mn” with the given standard reduction potential |
9.4 | 370 | Book Text | Concept 9.4.02: References to the thermodynamic variables use standard state designations (eg, ∆G°, E°cell) | Thermodynamic variables are now presented at non–standard state, as would be appropriate for concentration cells |
9.5 | 374 | Book Text | First paragraph: “…Cr3+(aq) ions are reduced to form Cd(s) at the cathode (ie, Cd(s) is plated onto the surface of the cathode…” | Updated to: “…Cr3+(aq) ions are reduced to form Cr(s) at the cathode (ie, Cr(s) is plated onto the surface of the cathode…” |
9.5 | 375 | Book Text | The equation at the top of the page yields grams of “Cd(s)” | The equation has been updated to yields grams of “Cr(s)“ |
1.3 | 380 | Appendix | Concept Check 1.6: The solution is given as “[Xe]6s25d10“ |
Concept check digital solution corrected to “[Xe]6s24f145d10” |
2.5 | 382 | Appendix | Concept Check 2.27: The solution states “Al(s) is the limiting reactant; 1.50 mol excess O2(g)“ | Concept check digital solution corrected to state O2(g) is the limiting reactant; 2.00 mol excess Al(s) |
5.3 | 383 | Appendix | Concept Check 5.5: The solution states “The reaction is not spontaneous in the forward direction (ΔG > 0).“ | Concept check digital solution corrected to state that the reaction is spontaneous in the forward direction (∆G < 0) |
Organic Chemistry
Updates: 2024 UWorld MCAT Organic Chemistry UBook
Organic Chemistry book content updates and corrections from August 2024 – PresentLesson Number | Page Number(s) | Update Type | Print Book | Digital Book (UBook) |
1.1 | 6 | Book Text | 1.1.03 first paragraph: Extra word “and” appears in the third sentence | Extra word “and” has been removed |
1.1 | 9 | In-line Image | Figure 1.6: Point B labels the atoms as “Farther apart“ | The atoms under Point B have been relabeled as “Closer together“ |
1.2 | 11 | Book Text | Concept 1.2.01 First paragraph, last sentence ends “…there is zero probability of electron density.” | The words “probability of” have been removed, so that the sentence ends “…there is zero electron density.” |
1.4 | 19 | Book Text | Concept 1.4.01 First paragraph, last sentence ends “…where the probability of electron density is zero.” | The words “probability of” have been removed, so that the sentence ends “…where the electron density is zero.” |
1.4 | 19 | In-line Image | Figure 1.19: The y-axes are labeled as “Electron probability (+ or −)“ | The y-axes have been re-labeled as “Amplitude“ |
1.4 | 20 | Book Text | First sentence ends “…amplitude (ie, probability of electron density).” | The parenthetical text has been removed, so that the first sentence ends with “…amplitude.” |
1.4 | 20 | In-line Image | Figure 1.20: The y-axes are labeled as “Electron probability (+ or −)“ | The y-axes have been re-labeled as “Amplitude“ |
2.4 | 39 | In-line Image | Figure 2.9: The structure for C7H16 is missing two carbon atoms | Structure for C7H16 has been corrected to match its formula |
2.7 | 63 | In-line Image | Figure 2.34: The nitrogen atom in structure in the orbital representation of pyridine does not connect to the rest of the structure | The structure in the orbital representation of pyridine has been corrected |
2.7 | 66 | In-line Image | Figure 2.38 top panel: “resonance” is mistakenly spelled as “resonace“ | The word “resonance” has been spelled correctly |
2.8 | 69 | Book Text | Top of the page: Description of aldehydes indicates aldehydes have a carbonyl carbon attached to an alkyl group (R) and a hydrogen atom | Revised to state that the carbonyl carbon is bonded to a hydrogen atom and either another hydrogen atom or an alkyl group (R) |
3.1 | 73 | In-line Image | Figure 3.1: Ethyl group on the left molecule in the “Enantiomers” box is missing a hydrogen | Ethyl group structure has been updated |
3.3 | 96 | In-line Image | Figure 3.26: Summary statement of the image states that the chiral center is bonded to four different “constituents“ | The word “constituents” has been replaced with “substituents“ |
3.3 | 96 | Book Text | First paragraph: Described the maximal number of stereoisomers in relation to the number of stereocenters | Revised to state that the maximal number of stereoisomers is related more specifically to the number of chiral centers |
3.3 | 111 | In-line Image | Figure 3.46: Shows a vertical dashed line bisecting each double bond | The dashed line has been made horizontal |
4.2 | 129 | Book Text | Second paragraph: The word “molecules” is mistakenly typed as “Cmolecules“ | The word “molecules” has been spelled correctly |
4.2 | 130 | In-line Image | Figure 4.15: The name for the structure at the top right is misspelled as “1,2-diemethylbenzene“ | Figure 4.15: The name for the structure at the top right is spelled correctly as “1,2-dimethylbenzene“ |
4.2 | 130 | In-line Image | Figure 4.15: The structure for “1-bromo-3-methylbenzyne” is incorrectly named as “1-bromo-2-methylbenzene“ | The name for “1-bromo-3-methylbenzene” has been corrected |
4.2 | 131 | In-line Image | Figure 4.17: The structure for indole is shows incorrect numbering on its right-hand side | The structure for indole has had its numbering corrected |
4.3 | 133 | In-line Image | Figure 4.18: The name for “(2R)-3-methylbutan-2-ol” is mistakenly shown as “(2R)-3-methylbutane-2-ol“ | The name for “(2R)-3-methylbutan-2-ol” has been corrected |
4.3 | 136 | In-line Image | Figure 4.25: The example on the right side shows a structure with a non-IUPAC name of “5-formylpentanoic acid“ | The example on the right side of Figure 4.25 has been replaced with “5-formylheptanoic acid“ |
4.3 | 140 | In-line Table | Table 4.7: Final row did not describe the difference in nomenclature for the protonated carboxylic acid and deprotonated carboxylate as a substituent | Table 4.7 final row has been updated to reflect the different nomenclature for carboxylic acid and carboxylates as a substituent |
4.4 | 145 | In-line Image | Figure 4.37: “substituent” is misspelled as “substitutent“ | The word “substituent” has been spelled correctly |
4.4 | 149 | In-line Image | Figure 4.42: Uses “2-ethylbutanediamide” as the rightmost example | The rightmost example has been replaced with “2-methylbutanediamide“ |
4.5 | 155 | In-line Image | Figure 4.49: Names for the rightmost structure mistakenly labels the “ethylsulfanyl”/”ethylthio” group as “methylsulfanyl“/”methylthio“ | Nomenclature for the right-most structure has been corrected to label the group as “ethylsulfanyl“/”ethylthio“ |
4.6 | 161 | In-line Table | Table 4.10: Substituent term for an amide substituent bonded through the N atom is listed as “amido“ | The substituent term has been updated to “alkanamido“ |
4.6 | 161 | In-line Table | Table 4.10: Suffixes for nitriles is listed as “–onitrile“ | The suffix has been updated to “–(e)nitrile“ |
5.1 | 177 | In-line Image | Figure 5.8: Has incorrect labels for the two panels as “Stronger acids“/”Weaker acids“ | The labels have been updated to the correct label of “Stronger bases“/”Weaker bases“ |
5.3 | 213 | In-line Table | Table 5.4: The coloring of the “Good” and “Poor leaving group arrows” results in an ambiguous classification of “Protonated alcohol (Oxonium ion)“ | The image has been updated so that “Protonated alcohol (Oxonium ion)” is classified as a “Good leaving group” |
5.7 | 244 | In-line Image | Figure 5.80: The gray hydroxyl group has a bond mislabeled as C–H | The bond description has been changed to O–H |
5.7 | 244 | In-line Image | Figure 5.80: The compound is mislabeled as a “component” in the note statement | The word “component” has been replaced with “compound“ |
6.5 | 268 | In-line Table | Table 6.3: Callout box indicating the more stable structure is mistakenly pointing to “penta-1,4-diene“ | The label indicating which molecule is more stable is now pointing correctly to “penta-1,3-diene“ |
6.5 | 269 | In-line Image | Figure 6.5: The LUMO is mistakenly described as the “Lowest occupied molecular orbital“ | The text describing LUMO has been updated to “Lowest unoccupied molecular orbital“ |
6.5 | 275 | In-line Image | Figure 6.12: The description under cyclobutadiene reads “4n + π electrons“ | The description has been revised to read “4n π electrons“ |
6.5 | 278 | In-line Image | Figure 6.15: The description of the electron density being decreased in the bottom panel is mistakenly described with a partial negative charge | The decrease in electron density is correctly described with a partial positive charge |
8.2 | 306 | In-line Image | Figure 8.4: The electrophilic carbon atom in the left panel is mistakenly shaded blue | The electrophilic carbon is now shaded orange, indicating its status as an electrophile |
8.2 | 306 | In-line Image | Figure 8.5: Footnote describes R as being either an “H” or “alkyl group“ | The footnote now describes R as being only an “alkyl group“ |
8.3 | 314 | In-line Table | Table 8.5: “oxidants” is misspelled as “oxidents“ | The word “oxidants” is now spelled correctly |
8.3 | 320 | In-line Image | Figure 8.15: Electrophilic atoms in the sulfonic acid and the sulfonate ester structures are not labeled | The electrophilic atoms are now labeled in their corresponding structures |
8.3 | 325 | In-line Image | Figure 8.21: In the bottom panel, the chloride ion is not labeled as a nucleophilic atom | The chloride ion is now labeled as a nucleophilic atom |
8.3 | 327 | Book Text | 8.3.08 second paragraph: Last sentence describes a dehydration reaction as being the reciprocal process to a condensation reaction | This sentence has been removed (since condensation reactions can remove small molecules other than water) |
9.3 | 341 | In-line Image | Figure 9.7: A curved arrow showing electron flow from the C=O pi bond to the oxygen atom is missing | The arrow indicating electron flow has been added |
9.3 | 345 | In-line Image | Figure 9.13: The structure of the enamine is incorrect | The structure of the enamine has been updated to show the correct bonding pattern |
9.4 | 359 | In-line Image | Figure 9.25: “electrophile” is misspelled as “electophile” in the top panel’s title | The word “electrophile” has been spelled correctly |
9.4 | 365 | In-line Image | Figure 9.34: Several bonds point to R groups | The bonds have been changed so that they point to an unspecified substituent |
9.4 | 369 | In-line Image | Figure 9.39: Top panel, the thermodynamic enolate product is missing its partial negative charges | The partial negative charges have been added |
9.4 | 371 | In-line Image | Figure 9.41: A positive charge is missing from the sodium ion, and the electrophilic R' group in the top panel is colored incorrectly | The positive charge on the sodium ion has been added, and the R' group has been colored correctly to indicate its electrophilic status |
9.4 | 376 | In-line Image | Figure 9.50: Top panel is missing a curved, electron flow arrow from the bond between HA to A. In the bottom panel, the leftmost resonance structure has an extra bond to H from the nucleophilic atom. | The electron flow arrow has been added, and the extraneous bond has been removed |
9.4 | 378 | In-line Image | Figure 9.53: 2,2-dimethylpropanal mistakenly labels the alpha carbon as the electrophilic atom | The electrophilic atom is now correctly shown to be the carbonyl carbon |
9.4 | 382 | Book Text | Final paragraph: Final sentence states “…producing a β-substituted carbonyl derivative…” | Updated to state “…producing a carbonyl derivative with a new group at the β position…” |
9.4 | 382 | In-line Image | Figure 9.57: The key mislabels purple shading as “Atoms lost in byproduct“ | The key correctly identifies purple shading as “Groups added“ |
9.4 | 383 | In-line Image | Figure 9.58: The key mislabels purple shading as “Atoms lost in byproduct“ | The key correctly identifies purple shading as “Groups added“ |
9.4 | 385 | In-line Image | Figure 9.59: In 1,3-dicarbonyl the bottom carbonyl oxygen is mislabeled with coloring indicating it is a nucleophilic atom | The carbonyl oxygen is correctly colored to be an atom lost in byproduct |
9.4 | 386 | In-line Image | Figure 9.60: A curved electron flow arrow is missing pointing from the H to the alpha carbon in the Michael adduct | The electron flow arrow has been added |
11.1 | 421 | In-line Image | Figure 11.3: The left resonance structure is missing an R group | The R group has been added |
11.2 | 427 | In-line Image | Figure 11.6: The anhydride mislabels the R' group as a heteroatom | The R' group is no longer marked as a heteroatom |
11.3 | 440 | In-line Image | Figure 11.16: Some carboxylic acid derivatives are faded | All carboxylic acid derivatives are shown with full color saturation |
12.1 | 445 | In-line Image | Figure 12.1: The aniline and amide nitrogens are mistakenly described as having four electron domains | The aniline and amide nitrogens are now described as having three domains due to resonance |
14.1 | 517 | In-line Image | Figure 14.2: There is an unlabeled pOH scale shown | The pOH scale has been removed |
14.3 | 528 | In-line Image | Figure 14.12: The lower-left box is titled “Mass spectroscopy” and lists the wavelength range for x-rays as being from “0.1 nm – 10 nm“ | The lower left box has been updated so that its title reads “Mass spectrometry” and the wavelength range is “0.01 nm – 10 nm“ |
14.4 | 531 | Book Text | First paragraph: The second sentence states “The sample source enters the ionization chamber…” | The word “source” has been removed, so the second sentence states “The sample enters the ionization chamber…” |
14.5 | 550 | In-line Image | Figure 14.32: The local minima is abbreviated incorrectly as λmax | Local minima are now correctly abbreviated as λmin |
14.5 | 553 | In-line Image | Figure 14.34: The local minima is abbreviated incorrectly as λmax | Local minima are now correctly abbreviated as λmin |
14.6 | 564 | In-line Table | Table 14.5: The bottom row for the benzene or phenyl ring mistakenly shows a C≡C triple bond stretch | The bottom row now correctly shows a C=C double bond stretch |
14.7 | 581 | In-line Image | Figure 14.59: Arrows for electron movement are moving in the wrong direction to induce the magnetic fields | The direction of electron movement now moves in the correct direction |
3.3 | 593 | Appendix | Concept Check 3.8: The depicted line-angle structure shows a molecule with an S configuration | Concept check digital solution corrected to show a molecule with an R configuration |
Updates: 2024 UWorld MCAT Physics UBook
Physics book content updates and corrections from August 2024 – PresentLesson Number | Page Number(s) | Update Type | Print Book | Digital Book (UBook) |
1.2 | 9 | In-line Image | Figure 1.4: Variables “rf” and “ri” incorrectly labeled as “Initial position” and ” Final position” | Labels for “ri” corrected to “Initial position” and “rf” corrected to “Final position“ |
1.2 | 11 | Book Text | Second paragraph: Statement “as t goes to zero” is incorrect | Statement has been corrected to “as Δt goes to zero“ |
1.2 | 13 | Book Text | First paragraph: Extra word “only” appears in the second sentence | Revised to “motion in only one dimension“ |
1.2 | 23 | In-line Image | Figure 1.19: Arrow for vy in the legend has a solid line | The solid line has been replaced with a dashed line |
1.3 | 29 | Book Text | The first pair of equations have “0” above and below summation symbols | Equations corrected by removing extra 0s |
1.3 | 40 | Book Text | The first equation “Fa + FT = max” is incorrect | Equation corrected to “Fa – FT = max“ |
1.4 | 49 | In-line Image | Concept Check 1.17: In the figure, the label “COM” is incorrect | Label replaced with “CM “ |
1.4 | 52 | In-line Image | Figure 1.49: Label “Clockwise (CCW)” in upper right corner is incorrect | Label replaced with “Clockwise (CW)“ |
1.5 | 61 | In-line Image | Figure 1.57: The second equation for “W” is incorrect | The second equation for “W” has been corrected |
3.1 | 118 | Book Text | Near the middle of the page: Extra words “a particle” appears | Revised to “between two identical particles“ |
3.2 | 136 | Book Text | Concept Check 3.9: The text “Three resistors” is incorrect | Revised to “Four resistors“ |
3.2 | 136 | Book Text | Concept Check 3.10: The text “resistance of the battery” is incorrect | Revised to “resistance of the circuit“ |
4.4 | 227 | Book Text | Second sentence: Statement “f = +10 mm and o = +15 mm” is incorrect | Revised to “f = +15 mm and o = +10 mm“ |
4.4 | 227 | Book Text | Last paragraph: The text “o = 10o = 10 mm” is incorrect | Revised to “o = 10 mm“ |
4.4 | 231 | In-line Image | Figure 4.73: Incorrectly shows red light focusing closer to the lens | Revised to show blue light focusing closer to the lens |
Appendix | 284 | Book Text | Concept Check 1.1: “6 × 10-9 m” is incorrect | Revised to ” 6 × 10-7 m“ |
Appendix | 284 | Book Text | Concept Check 1.16: “16 N/m” is incorrect | Revised to “10 N/m“ |
Behavioral Sciences
Updates: 2024 UWorld MCAT Behavioral Science UBook
Behavioral Science book content updates and corrections from August 2024 – PresentLesson Number | Page Number(s) | Update Type | Print Book | Digital Book (UBook) |
4.2 | 24 | In-line Image | Figure 4.11: Shows Na+ and K+ moving through the same ion channel | Revised so that two ion channels are shown |
4.2 | 26 | In-line Image | Figure 4.13: Receptors in the two panels appear the same, and there is an extraneous period | The receptors are differentiated, and the extraneous period has been removed |
4.2 | 26 | Book Text | First paragraph: The abbreviation “CNS” appears in the second sentence. | The words “central nervous system (CNS)” have been spelled out in the second sentence. |
4.3 | 31 | Book Text | Third paragraph: Sentence includes an extra “from the motor cortex“ | The description has been corrected to remove the extra “from the motor cortex“ |
7.1 | 42 | Book Text | EEG bullet point: Description states “Because action potentials involve a sequence of shifts“ | Description has been updated to read “Because depolarization involves a shift“ |
8.1 | 47 | In-line Image | Figure 8.1: Text states “a strong garbage smell (ie, sensory stimulus) becomes less noticeable over time.“ | The text has been corrected to “an individual is less able to detect a strong garbage smell (ie, sensory stimulus) over time.“ |
8.2 | 50 | In-line Image | Figure 8.4: Shows auditory nerve label before the spiral ganglion | Replacing with newer image that has the auditory nerve label appear after the spiral ganglion |
11.2 | 63 | Book Text | Second paragraph: Frequency is described as “the length of sound waves“ | Description of frequency has been corrected to “wavelengths per second“ |
11.2 | 64 | In-line Image | Figure 11.3: Frequency is described as “(ie, length)” | Description has been corrected to “(ie, waves per second)” |
41.4 | 230 | Book Text | Concept Title: “41.4.02” incorrectly numbered as “41.4.01“ | Concept “41.4.02” has been numbered correctly |
Updates: 2024 UWorld MCAT CARS UBook
CARS book content updates and corrections from August 2024 – PresentLesson Number | Page Number(s) | Update Type | Print Book | Digital Book (UBook) |
5.4 | 94 | Book Text | The first paragraph in the right-hand column: text “was initially used for different purposes” mistakenly in bold | Removed bolding |
6.1 | 138 | Book Text | The last sentence in the right-hand column: says, “Statement 3 is a conclusion that the author draws from statements 1 and 2.” | Capitalized the word “Statements” |
6.1 | 148 | Book Text | P3 Excerpt and P5 Excerpt: Both end in periods, leaving it unclear that there is more to those paragraphs. | Added ellipses (….) to P3 and P5 excerpts, indicating that part of each paragraph has been omitted. |
6.2 | 160 | Book Text | First paragraph: says, “This question asks you to…its main topic, the telegraph or Victorian Internet.” | Changed to say, “This question asks you to…the passage’s main topic, the telegraph or Victorian Internet.” |
6.6 | 234 | Book Text | The second line in the question box: says “Strategy-based Explanations” | Changed to singular “Strategy-based Explanation” |
7.4 | 299 | Book Text | Title: says “RWT Subskill 3d…” | Changed to say “RBT Subskill 3d…” |
7.4 | 300 | Book Text | Step 1 box—first sentence of second paragraph: says “….Marina Warrner….” | Deleted extra ‘r’ in Warner‘s name. |
7.4 | 301 | Book Text | Grey box, third line: says “We now look at three examples…” | Changed to say, “We now look at five examples…” |
7.4 | 322 | Book Text | Right-hand column: Headings for Choice C: and Choice B: should not have colons. | Removed colons from headings |